Enhancing Leadership Team Effectiveness



It’s a regrettable fact that some leadership teams are clearly not ‘more than the sum of its parts’. Some teams actually do a quite remarkable job of diffusing, misaligning and under-using the skills and potential of team members. When this team is leading an organisation the consequences can be far-reaching.

To help your team to optimise its role we can work with you to:

  • Develop a climate of openness and trust
  • Support the team to manage conflict and disagreement
  • Create a truly shared sense of direction and value
  • Create approaches to team meetings that enable the team to get the important things done
  • Help the team operate in a strategic way, rather than replicating the operational tasks of other groups and individuals in the organisation

We are licenced users of Patrick Lencioni’s ‘Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of Teams’ materials, plus a wide range of other thinking and exercises to enhance how leadership teams work. We can audit the current levels of effectiveness of teams and put in place a targeted development plan that will benefit the whole organisation.

We can also provide your Chief Executive or Managing Director with coaching specifically tailored to getting the best from the team that they lead.


Neural Harmony 2024